It was cold, and soulless. It was mechanical, drunken and above all else it was heartbreaking.

I couldn't beleive it when I saw him in the crowd after all these years. The proverbial one who got away. It was even less imaginable that he would be the one to reach out to hold my hand, that he would be the one to pull me into his arms just as our song began to play.

The tickets for this concert cost a fortune, I had stayed up all night just to get through on the phone. I had brought a date with me who was, understandably, a little perturbed at what was happening.

I had dreamed of this over and over again, but something had twisted, and that was when i realised. I was over him, thoroughly, and that I didnt need him anymore. I pulled away from him, unbeleiving.

I chased after my date, Mathew, pushing through the crowd to get to him, to explain.

I found him as the concert was ending, expecting him to be furious. We had been friends for so long.

Instead he said, this is what we could be, and he pulled me in to a kiss.

It was everything I dreamed, and behind us, the band played on.


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Ararelucidness (joined almost 13 years ago)

Im a country lass from deep within Nelson's county in the East of England.

I wish I was more like the person I am in my head.

I wish I was a femme fetale.

I wish that everyone dressed like they did in the 40's.

I wish people wore more hats.

I wish I wore hats.

I wish I could walk past a jewellery shop with out stopping.

Maybe one day some of the above will come true.

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