The audience stared open mouthed at me. The excitement of their shock rippled and fizzed through me as I beamed at them, arms spread wide.

I'd been acting in the same play for what felt like aeons and it had begun to wear on me. Each line felt like a chore and I had said so to a friend of mine over coffee.

"Do something new, then!" he'd said, "Do something exciting!"

I'd pondered this suggestion as I dragged myself into my costume. The most wondeful idea hit me and acted my part better than I ever had before, buzzing with the anticipation of my final display.

And as I stood there, presenting myself to the audience, naked as the day I was born, I knew no role would ever bore me again.


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ChloeBarber (joined almost 12 years ago)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


The audience stared open mouthed at me.
Prompt suggested by DefinitelyTaran


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