BrightonHenderson (joined over 11 years ago)
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An unknown figure watched Mery and Arthur McGee as they shopped in main square. Mery, hair tied back, long coat wrapped around her to fight the cold, a scarf tucked around her neck, approached the front store window and glanced in awe at the woman behind the glass. Her hair coiled around her face in romantic ringlets, and her long black dress oozed with classic beauty.

"Arthur, isn't this dress marvelous? Look at the color, and the sweeping length. I must have it, Arthur. I must." Mery said in delight.

Arthurt, her husband, was less than enthused. "Dear, it's...

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Mia and John sat by the stones, and no one noticed them.

"You shouldn't be here." John explained.

"My dad's hated here, so what? I need to know the truth."

John ducked under a tree, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. "Your dad is traced back to you. His enemies are yours now."

"You mean people want to kill me?"

"Just people you're dad took from." John said quietly, a blur against the dark stones.

Mia looked at him, incredulous. "It could be any of these people."

She looked around, and saw people through windows, walking through the streets,

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