Aureliana (joined over 14 years ago)

I do not do well with About-Me sections (such as this one). I am a strange little gamer girl; my weekends are often spent with friends, playing the same games everyone told me I would grow out of when I grew up. I waste far too much time chasing tornadoes armed only with photographic equipment, and not nearly enough time thinking of my own safety. Yet it is not for some crazed death-wish; I adore life - it is the ultimate adventure. Every mountain we climb or cliff we accidentally step off of is a new and fascinating part of this crazy road that we begin walking from birth.

I am a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend, and above all I am ME. That is really all I can say to sum myself up. I am not tall, I do not particularly enjoy eating, however I love the colour of blue that the ocean looks at it's deepest point, and I feel most alive when green and red and blue lightning dances across our skies, bringing in it's wake thunder that shakes the very ground I stand upon.

I am alexithymic, and although I have worked hard through the years to learn to feel and think and interact "normally", I still would prefer to be alone than surrounded by masses of humanity, as that will always be rather awkward to me.

Sleep comes to me only occasionally, and dreams are few and far in-between, however when I am able to gain entrance to the Land of Nod, rather than wishing I did not, I take my dreams and put them on paper; many of my stories have begun that way.

I will never apologise for who I am, and I will forever celebrate each new dawn; every day is a blank sheet of paper, awaiting the details which will make it a part of the best novel I will ever write: My Life.

"I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- Ayn Rand (John Galt, Atlas Shrugged)


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