KathrynMcGuire1 (joined over 13 years ago)


That fucking cat. How is despised that insignificant ball of mutualized space.

How is its calico and limber body silently creeped around corner, caused my jaw to clench and my palms to quiver. I would do anything to take that rodent and dismember it's jointed body.

Don't get me wrong I am not one to be murderous or even harmful for that matter, but my hatred for that that fury thing lingers in every moment of its presence.

Why couldn't she just leave it to suffer that gloomy saturday? The pound was stale and seeped with death, just where that...

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Pristine. Vacant. Blankly inspired I suppose.

I stood there stiff at the edge, the reservoir grasped my echoes of desperation, but regurgitated full truths. I was to die.

Only my faulty pretences did I end up here, it was only by my willingness to give up on all that was once so attainable. This rock here is the last tangible relic of my hope, but in my full awareness I know it is.

Where did this all start my thoughts of unforgiving failures? It started at that dream, that heart-wrenching dream. In my old home that creeked with emptiness and...

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