profane tmesis (joined almost 13 years ago)
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We never spoiled that. We visited it, claimed it, and then we left it as is. We may not have meant to, but we did. We left something alone.

She smiles through her bleeding gums and plucks some more skin from her face, just to pass the time. She was young, so she'll last a little longer than the others. But in a day or two, it'll all be over. That tree won't last long either.

But the moon is still the same as it ever was, save for a few bits of scrap and a flag.

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You can't be a hero if you can't move your arms. You can't get the girl with a stutter like that. What can you do in your condition? What did you expect? How can you live without the means to earn respect?

Well, mister President. Maybe I won't be a hero. Maybe I will show you how a villain gets respect. Maybe I will let you watch. Show me what a hero is, mister President.

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