Other stories for this prompt

The child wanted the bully's red bicycle, but he knew to take it away would be going against a pecking order that had been around forever.

He walked up to the bully, who was sitting on the slightly oversized bike, and asked if he could ride it.

The bully squinted at him as he spoke, acting as though he couldn't hear him. As though the child had no voice at all.

"Get away from me," the bully said.

The child assured him that he only wanted to try the bike so he could tell his father if that was the...

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As soon as Roger grabbed my wrist, I knew the spell was broken. Silence had been my way of being. Silence, yes, on the outside. But inside? Screaming. Screaming an Ella Fitzgerald glass shattering scream. But Roger's fat fist around my bloodless wrist created an outlet for me. Finally. THere was no way in hell he was going to take my sister's banana bike. I may not have spoken for the first 9 years of my grade school existence, but I wanted to make sure She WOULD.
I flipped out of the wrist hold with a Karate move my brother...

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About the prompt

Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero A child
villain A bully
goal A bicycle
Prompt suggested by Galen
Originally displayed on:
March 14, 2010


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