"I has a bus! I iz in it!"--written in black sharpie on the pink paper. The torn end of it soft and frayed, the grocery list on the back now outraged with the bleedthrough of the ink.

"Wait, shouldn't it be like, E-E-N E-E-T?" Linda said, her glasses dangling just off her bottom lip.

"Wait, what?" Sarah replied, she stared hard at the pink paper, not wanting to look at Linda or her stupid retro horn rim super thick shiny blue metallic glasses hanging from her lips. She knew Linda thought that looked cute but it just looked gross and stupid.

"To spell 'in it'! You have to miss-spell like every word on these pictures. That's what makes it funny."

Sarah shook her head. "How is it funny?"

"Don't you get it?" Linda said and she dropped her glasses onto the carpet, "It's funny cause the cats like...they can't spell but they keep posting these pictures on the internet. And they haz things and stuff!"

Sarah was still shaking her head, "Cats don't even write, why would they spell?"

Linda nodded. "Which is WHY it's funny!!!"

"Casper, wouldn't have posted this on the net. So it's not even...I don't get it!"

With a sigh, Linda dropped the pink paper and fell to her back and glared at Casper the cat who snoozed. "Why don't you look like Hitler?!"


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lisamarie20010 about 14 years ago

Can I haz your comedic talent? Seriously funny, very clever.

bespectakate about 14 years ago

I wish I hadn't been drinking when I read that last line XD Almost got tea all over the keyboard...

PatTheBat4MVP about 14 years ago

That made me giggle a leetle harder than it should have :D

Gone Awry about 14 years ago

This was cute! I laughed very hard. i must be very tired, because this shouldn't be as funny as i think it is! :) xD

Gone Awry almost 14 years ago

My yorkie shitsu looks a bit like Hitler. She's got the mustache down. XD

DazedPuckBunny (joined over 14 years ago)
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Twitchy lady who is addicted to tea and writing. That pretty much sums me up. :)

I'm a bit overly friendly, maybe creepily so, but that's okay. I refuse to apologize.

Track me down at: http://ceemartinez.blogspot.com


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