A swing. I found my self under one as i awoke to the devestation. Fires raged every which way, how the playground was not on fire I will never know. I decided to walk out, mostly out of fear, and I was horrified with my decision. Right outside the playground, where children played not so long ago, were burned, rotting corpses. They layed therewith out motion, without life, but not without smell. As i hurried back to the playground to retch, I saw out of the corner of my eyes. A woman. Dazed and confused as i was, but still asleep. The flames were drawing closer now, so i dragged her to the only salvation i knew of. My swings. She awoke as I started to drag her, and resisted. After she saw the flames, she agreed, but with now


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Galen about 14 years ago

Welcome /b/. This would make a great first scene of a longer story. You set the stage well and raised a number of possible plots very quickly. Great job.

HarleyCrowley (joined about 14 years ago)

sup /b/itches. Saw this sight on a thread and decided, hey, why not! Im most likely going to post storys i have written for my AP english class btw.

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