The conversation lasted two words: Why now? The blank stare that met Angela's question was all the answer she needed. The time didn't matter, it never mattered. All that he was concerned about now was getting to the engine room.

Without looking back, she spun swiftly on her heel and stormed across the deck to the lift, already standing open, waiting for her. This was the day they had been waiting for, and she would be damned if she would allow something so trivial as a fleeting moment of emotion overcome her and destroy all that she had trained for. The hollow metallic sound of her work boots on the steel grate echoed through the virtually empty common room of the shuttle, but doing nothing to cut the tension left lingering within the quarters.

Erik watched her go for a moment, then returned his gaze to the motherboard in front of him. The soldering iron in his hand poised delicately above the circuits shook gently. He sucked deeply at the recycled air to calm his nerves but it was of no use.


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Twitchasaurus (joined almost 14 years ago)

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The conversation lasted two words:
Prompt suggested by bespectakate


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