It was enjoyable, this feeling. And so unaccustomed! He had come to a place in his life where so little really made him happy anymore. Leaving the store, though, despite the fact that it was a cloudy, cool day, he felt sunny on the inside. He had bought a new shirt, and he was wearing it - he decided to put it on right away, before he had even left the store. It was green - but a certain shade of green that he didn't see very often. It was his favorite color, and it had called out to him. He had made the decision to buy it, and it felt so good, just to see something he wanted, and get it. He needed some simple satisfaction like this - for today, it was enough. It was more than enough.

As he walked to his car, he felt it beginning to rain, a soft misty drizzle. He had no umbrella, and the rain took some of the crisp newness out of his shirt, and seemed to make it softer.


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Galen over 15 years ago

dodo: keep practicing, keep writing. We're all writers-in-progress here.

dodo over 15 years ago

wow this is a lot better than mine.

Paul (joined over 15 years ago)

No favorites

Story information


Creative Commons Attribution 3.0


Green shirt rain shopping


Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Green-clad Man
villain Rain
goal A tan
Prompt suggested by The Flash


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