"What'll it be?"


"Want ice."


The bartender pours the brown liquid into a tumbler. I wait patiently.

"First time here?"


I take a swig and end up downing the whole glass. I point down at the empty vessel. He answers my request.

"Funny, I don't remember seeing you come in here before."

The place was a empty. It was late on a Tuesday, understandable why there wasn't a crowd in here. The lights were dim and mahogany colored bar reflected what little light it could find.

"Yeah, it was a couple of months ago."

I point again. He answers again.

"So what brings you in tonight."

"Nothing really. Just a celebration of sorts."

"What are we celebrating."

I can't bare to tell him.

"Nothing really."

I point. He pours. And then he pulls out another glass, and pours himself a double.

"Well, then I guess here is to nothing."

"To nothing."


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V767 (joined over 14 years ago)
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


In 1921, he flew from the Great Rift Valley.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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