The conversation lasted two words: "Never again." They said it at the same time as they exited the restaurant. Why had the waiter insisted on swaying them away from the salmon and toward the tough lamb? Was it deliberate? Did he know this was a make-it-or-break-it meal and was itching to break something, anything? Did he glean from their terse looks that something dire was already on their horizon, and while the kids were asleep, the exorbitant sitter keeping watch, they were out to rehash the missteps that had brought them here? Had the waiter's ex-wife just taken him for all he had? Either way, they were done for. The rough effort of cutting meat in front of each other confirmed what they had feared: it was over, and not much else could be done.


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CraigTowsley almost 14 years ago

Intriguing & well executed. Good job!

Gone Awry almost 14 years ago

It was very good. salmon versus lamb's meat... i've never had either, so i can't really decide which is better until i've tasted it, now can i?

DazedPuckBunny almost 14 years ago

Great job. I completely understood that situation, just when you need something to go right.....

eliastories (joined almost 14 years ago)

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The conversation lasted two words:
Prompt suggested by bespectakate


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