He remembered back to a time long ago, when the sun was shining and the birds were singing and the grass was green and life was a magical thing.
It was pleasent here, in his memories...but they never lasted long...
Reality would burst into his dreams like the screams of a tortured man. The prisoner was being questioned again...captured alone and with no possetions, there was nothing to tie him to the situation...but our officers were convinced otherwise.
We all knew something for sure, you can take a man's freedom but you can never take his education...and this man was too smart to just kill. They needed him to talk!
But we needed sleep damnit! Their insistant questions and toture were not only affecting the prisoner, but also the troops!

We suffered together...slaves.


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slugguts (joined almost 15 years ago)

ooooo tra la la

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Travel light, but take everything with you.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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