Until now, she'd never thought of herself as pretty. She'd never looked in the mirror and seen what ever it was that society defined as beauty reflected back at her. She had never looked at a picture of herself and thought, "Wow" or even "Not bad".
But as she flicked through the photographs from the night before she found her breath being stolen at the gorgeous creature in front of her.
Nothing was different, not her hair, not her teeth, her eyes or her clothes. And yet, everything was different, miraculously changed, as though a fairy godmother had waved her wand and turned her into a princess.
She stared at the images for hours just trying to see what was different. Turning them this way and that. Desperate to unlock the secret.
Then it occured to her, so simple, so obvious.
And she smiled.
Because the night before, she had been smiling, she had been laughing, she had been happy.
She was home.


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PhoenixPhiire almost 14 years ago

I can really empathize with this one. I know exactly how that feels. <3

Tommy-Louise (joined over 14 years ago)
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The loud chick in the corner.

With the big eyes.

And the notebook in her bag.

2 favorites

Story information


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


Until now, she'd never thought of herself as pretty.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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