The magic of it was so simple, so obvious that she found it hard to beleive that no one else could see it, that no one else had attempted it before.
Just step off the ledge and let everything fall away. Remove the shackles that are holding your feet to the ground. Let go of the mortgage payments, the deadlines, the constant bombardment from advertising companies telling you that you absolutely needed their product in your life.
Forget about the birthday cards you must send or the work emails you need to write.
Realise that they're not important, that none of it is necessary, that the stress and the burdens your cloak yourself aren't vital.
Embrace the freedom and banish limitations. Give yourself time to breathe, time to be.
Discover something new about yourself. Discover yourself.
It was so clear to her in that moment.
"Time to get back to the grindstone" Her colleague reminded her.
She nodded, stubbed out her cigarette and turned back to the grey council offices.
Well, it was a nice thought...


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Tommy-Louise (joined over 14 years ago)
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The loud chick in the corner.

With the big eyes.

And the notebook in her bag.

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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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