There's somebody standing in the corner of my room.
The 'experts' can talk all they like about Sleep Paralysis but I'm not convinced. I want to believe them, I really do, but that 'somebody' has always been there.
It's my first memory and will probably be my last. A shadow, a presence looming over my life. Never speaking but all seeing and so very dark.
Spritualists want to convince me it's my 'guardian angel' but I'm not convinced. I don't feel very guarded by it. Quite the opposite.
I should have never acknowledged it, never mentioned it, never tried to get rid of it. I thought the fire would work. Fire is purification someone once said.
But it's still there.
They deny it, can't pick it up on their CCTV.
But I can see it.
Even in this room.
Even through the drug induced haze.
The progression of madness. A first he seeks the meaning of the mysterious presence in spirituality but when that fails him he seeks his own solution. A very nice understated tale. I don't know why, Sleep Paralysis, comes into it though.
The Mistress of Procrastination. ;-)
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There's somebody standing in the corner of my room.