Just put it away, I don't want to play.

Come on.

Not now.

Come on, we're just sitting here waiting. You know it'll take forever for them to get back to us.

Okay, fine.

All right, who invented the hot air balloon?

I did.

No, the Montgolfier Brothers.


Listen, if you're gonna answer "me" for every question, it's not gonna be fun.

It's not fun.

You're a real drag.

I'm just having an off day. Let's sit in silence.

Let's try another question.


What is next week's winning lottery number?

That's it. I've got to go.

Oh, come on. Look, here comes the girl...


Where'd your friend go?

He had something to do.

You want me to bring this back to the kitchen.

Actually, can I get that to go?


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mroshaugh (joined almost 13 years ago)
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Veteran of the 90s zine revolution.
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Favorite authors include David Markson, Lydia Davis, Robertson Davies, Donald Barthelme and Richard Brautigan.

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