She kept her eyes down, on her shoes. People brushed past her, maybe impatiently. She didn't move, she didn't walk.

She waited for someone to take her hand, to try to talk to her, to lead her away. It didn't happen. No one looked at her. Nothing happened, and she heard nothing. Better that way, because how could she explain anything?

Making the decision, she walked over to the bench, sat down at the very edge, across from a display of vacuum cleaners. Still, she stared at her feet.

Without warning, he was standing in front of her, cheeks still stained with tears. One finger pointing to the sky, he said silently, "I missed you," grinning. She put out her thumb, index finger, and pinky. "I love you." He took her hand silently.


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HannaBird (joined almost 13 years ago)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


Lost, without a hand to hold.
Prompt suggested by b23cml


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