My head was pounding, I had too much at the bar during intermission. The lights go up, and that annoying guy, what's his name, is back at the podium.

"Welcome back everyone."

What was his name

"We are going to continue with the awards, and this one is nothing short of honorable."

I have worked with him for years. Carl? Steve? Mike? Fuck.

"And now we are going to give out the award for our employee of the year. This is nothing we take lightly, and we would like to thank all of our employees for the work they do each and every day."

Rick? I think its Rick. Yes, it is. Ok, what are we talking about?

Oh, God. It's the employee of the year award shit. This always goes to some asshole who has his head shoved up management's ass.

"And this year is no exception to that excellence we ask from each and every one of you."

How long do they talk like this? I wonder if they get tired of constantly talking like this. Now he is going through the person's biography. No one cares.

"Can you believe this," my friend says to me as we stand in the back of the auditorium.

"Not at all," I stumbled through the words.

"...and this year's winner is..."

I need a drink.

"Gabriel Smith."

My hand freezes on the door handle.

"Congratulations," my friend reaches for my hand to shake.

Other hands reach for me to act out the same ridiculous gesture. Their faces all let me know that now I really need a drink.


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