They where here again, this phonebox that they grew up at. There youth had been spend trying to understand the system inside the box. Exploreing what a telephone is, how it work and how it charges you. Now they where back, Johan the older sibbling had decided he wanted to have this phone on exhibit in his new apartment.
So they went to work, together. He and his brother that shared that interest for technological system that was there childhood. Together they pried it off the wall at the same time talking about all the memorys of exploreing the telephone system and later on computer systems.
Systems that was not to welcome them, but they could not stop themself, the lust to explore and learn was to big. There was no stopping them from that. Alexander, the younger brother was thinking about the time his brother had introduced him to this phone and all the phone he could have with it.
That was the first day that he and his brother become true friends, they shared a common goal thanks to it, and later on it also made there future, one with shared jobs and hobbies. Exploreing and understanding technology becoming more important than anything else.
I can almost hear the boys talking between themselves, the Swedish accent and all! Nicely done.
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phones phreak hack telephone system exploreing non-english native