I don't know what to put here. I was told that this was fun, but I am not sure yet. My friend has written many of these 6 minute stories, some of them are fairly weird. I have not written any stories in quite some time, and really I don't know if you count the sailor moon fanfiction as "stories" and not "strange kid slightly obsessed with cartoon show that DIC wouldn't finish translationg because other kids might find out what gay people are." Where was I? Oh yes. The weird 6 minute story thing. I don't know... maybe I can write about flying to the moon, or my upcoming move to another country... nope, those are true. Stories are supposed to be fiction. Unless you are on a news website, then they are supposed to be true. "Val moves to Netherlands" isn't really important enough to make the 6 o'clock news though. "Val moves to Netherlands after stabbing bird with spoon" might though.

So, last week they had a crocodile in my office building. And a turtle, a tarantula, and a python. I hate snakes. They scare the crap out of me. I saw this python, squeaked, and ran away in front of about 50 people. I did not care. I also ran across the parking lot to my car, as if the snake could somehow escape his handlers, flee down the stairs after me, and catch me before I reached the safety of the drivers seat. Of course, this did not happen and my longer legs and non-slightering mode of transportation won out. I was in my car, and the fucking python was still in the office building being poked and played with by 4 year old kids. I hope one of them stepped on its yucky scaly tail.

Next, I think I will write about the weather. Because, as Canadians do, I complain about it a lot. Apparently you can write a lot in 6 minutes, but this might also be because I am typing very fast. Anyway, the weather. 4 inches of snow last week, and me without boots... hello frozen ankles?! I don't like the snow. It doesn't like me much either,


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Galen about 13 years ago

Story is just story, fiction or real. I dig this. You've got a good tone and a sharp wit. I'd love to see you write again.

ninja.val (joined over 13 years ago)

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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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