Okay, I needed to think. If I went left I would definetly be caught. If I went right, I would also be caught. But if I went straight ahead... I would be an open target. I had no other choice. I looked to the left and to the right, readied myself, and took off. I sprinted as fast as I could acrossc the open field and up the hill to where the man was standing, waiting to collect my information. As I ran, I could hear shouts from behind me but, since the snipers could not recognize me, I was safe. When I reached the top of the hill, my legs ached and burned and my muscules screamed to stop. The blood and adreneline pounded through in my head as I slowly walked up to the collection agent. He looked at me and stuck out his hand. I placed my ticket in his palm and ran back down the hill again. This was the game...the game of Mission Impossible.


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Jayden Nicole (joined over 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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Blank Prompt

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Prompt suggested by Galen


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