I dream of beautiful things, of sunshine, of laughter, I dream of family. These dreams always manage to find their way into my pen as I write and turn themselves into words on the page. The sharp contrast of the thick, smooth, black ink on the creamy, soft pages makes a perfect place to display all of the beautiful words. Each of the letters are shaped perfectly round and as I read, they serve another purpose. As I read, they become paintbrushes and skilled artists as they begin to paint stunning pictures in my mind. They paint pictures of a mother holding her newborn child to her breast next to a window in the early morning sunlight, or pictures of a darling little girl, asleep on the soft summer grass with her blonde curls creating a halo of golden light around her sweet face. These are my words - these are my dreams.


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Jayden Nicole (joined over 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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Blank Prompt

This prompt left blank in honor of Twitter hashtag #fridayflash.
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