So, I left. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had had enough. Absolutely enough. There were no more chances for me. I knew that if I stayed, it would be the end of me. The end of the me I was trying to become. I wanted it, so depsertaly, I wanted it. If I could just make it to the finish line. But first, I had to break away from this pack of slower runners. I feared that if I used my energy now, too much iof it, I wouldn't have enough for the end. The end of the race I had trained for my entire life. It was the a 5K race for a cure. I didn;t even know what we were all trying to cure, but I just wanted to run ans run fast. I often asked myself why I ran so much. Was I running from something? Someone? My past? Who knows, al I know is that I had this drive inde me to get to somewhere far from where I am right now. Very close...very close...almost there...and just like that, I fnised the race. Now, as for the rest of my life, what to do withg i


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nathan.nigrelli (joined over 13 years ago)

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Leaving was the easiest decision to make, and the hardest action to take.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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