Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
Stella looked up. The pay phone beside her was ringing. Turning her attention back to the book she was reading, she tried her best to ignore it.
Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
Glancing around, she plucker up the courage and picked up the phone.
'Stella. I thought you weren't going to answer.' the voice said.
'Who is this?' How did he know her name?
'That's not important here.'
'Is that you Danny?' she almost laughed. This was typical of her eldest son. Always the joker.
'Call me Danny, if that makes this easier.'
'Danny, come on. Stop messing. This isn't funny anymore.'
'Shut up and listen. I don't have time for this.'
Maybe it wasn't Danny after all. 'Y..yes?' Why had she picked up this damned phone.
'You see that bin beside you? The one shaped like a drink can?'
Stella looked around, finding the said bin. She nodded.
'well?' boomed the voice.
'Yes, yes I see it.' she stammered, remembering he couldn't see her.
'Good. Now don't take your eyes off of it, okay?'
'Okay.' she stared at it, wondering what all of this meant.
'It's important you keep looking.'
'I'm looking.' her heart was beating like crazy.
There was silence. A long moment of silence then.....BANG. A bomb exploded. Then nothing.


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emma_kerry (joined about 14 years ago)
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A coffee-addicted single mum. I am currently working on my first novel as well as writing various short stories.

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