I'll miss the way the breeze would blow hair into his eyes, and the way I would brush it away, asking him when he was getting it cut, even though I knew he never would.

I'll miss the way the sun would warm the tops of my breasts when he lifted my shirt over my head, and the way his day-old stubble both hurt and excited me when he bent to suck one nipple, then the other, into his mouth.

I'll miss the way the dried grass felt beneath my bare back when he laid me down and pressed himself into me, and me into the earth.

I'll miss him.


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JLeaLopez over 12 years ago

Thank you.

mikelyons over 12 years ago

Wow that was hot.

mikelyons over 12 years ago

Wow that was hot.

TyUnglebower over 12 years ago

Very evocative.

Qner over 12 years ago


JLeaLopez (joined over 12 years ago)
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