The gate closed behind them. It was a screen door, really. The three stairs led up to the kitchen; they stood and talked for a few minutes. His hand brushed her neck, in his ever-so-charming way. She wanted to believe him this time, that this time he wasn't the boy who held scissors to her neck, or threatened her so many times before. She wanted to be friendly, and not kick him out that night in February. He was charming, and deadly. Forceful, and mean. With her ponytail in his hand, he covered her mouth, her parents just upstairs. His smoky breath, threatening to tell her sleeping parents of her boyfriend that was 10 years older than she. Torn, and terrified, what was she to do? His photo on Facebook terrifies her still, 8 years later. She stalks him secretly so she knows he's thousands of miles away still, and her name has changed so he hopefully has given up his search. Why did it have to be him that stole her innocence? Her first boyfriend turned evil...


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NYgirlLovesCA (joined over 14 years ago)
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I'm 34 and live in NY.

and these are my stories...(insert Law & Order sound here)...

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