When I was young I was convinced that if you held onto a bunch of balloons you would go up in the air just like Mary Poppins. Ever since then they scared me. Phobic to tell the truth. So when I saw the girl lying down with the blue and pink balloons I had to scrabble around in my bag for medication and a paper bag. Only trouble is they were missing. Shit.

I was feeling myself get red. Hot. Sweaty. My legs turned to jelly. Trembly. Then suddenly around the corner walks a man holding a massive bunch of balloons. Hundreds it looked to me. Instead of fainting or having a heart attack I walked up to him and bought them all.

It was fantastic up there, floating around above everyone's heads. Sheer heaven to take the weight off my feet.


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Anglea (joined almost 13 years ago)

Six minute story is brilliant as a daily mental excercise to write on a variety of topics. It involves a lot of trial and error before I finish in the given time.

I am often surprised which of my stories receive the most views, often those I planned to delete.

COPYRIGHT - please contact me in advance via a recent story page if you wish to use my stories in anyway.

A digital animation has been made from one of my stories





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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs 3.0


fantasy magic realism


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