The audience stared open mouthed at me. I was petrified at when had just come out of my mouth. Then Amy Smythe began to cry. I don`t blame her, I would have cried, too, if my co-star had called me a stuck-up cow on stage. I could feel the Drama Teacher coming forwards to kick me off stage and tell everyone that there had been a mistake, that the show couldn`t go on now that it`s star had obviously had a psychotic episode onstage. Jeez, I was in for it now. My principal was going to call me in tomorrow and have a little `chat`(teacher slang for I want to get permission to send you to a therapist so it looks like I`m doing something) and I would get ostracized for the rest of my high-school career for telling off Amy Smythe, who was only popular because she let every boy in school reach up her skirt. She couldn`t even sing, so it was a surprize that she had even made it into the School Musical, but I knew she had only gotten in cuz her mom had donated loads of money to t


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JenStiles (joined about 12 years ago)

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school humour Teen


The audience stared open mouthed at me.
Prompt suggested by DefinitelyTaran


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