"Wait, so he hit you?" Beneath Sean's cool demeanor, rage had begun to bubble over. I fingered the bruise throbbing beneath the skin of my cheek. "Uh-huh." His eyes narrowed. I placed one hand on his arm. "Relax. It's done." i soothed, but there was no suppressing his rage; even i knew that. It was like putting mentos into a coke bottle and shaking it. eventually, it would explode. he kissed my bruise, gently, just a little brush. "I'll be back." he promised. I tightened my fingers on his arm. "Please, don't go looking for him. it'll justs make things worse." i pleaded. he gently pried my fingers off, as if i was delicate and might break. "Relax. i can handle it." he promised as he left. i sank onto the bed, praying that he wouldn't do anything stupid.


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Jayden Nicole over 12 years ago

Brilliance! Lovely work.

Gone Awry (joined about 14 years ago)

I have been many places, seen many things, been many things as well, but what I shall never stop being, is a writer, a traveler of dreams and the human soul. My name is none of your concern. Call me anything or nothing; I may not answer to anything, or answer to everything.

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gentle trouble rage tender



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