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This was the conversation that I had with myself every day. It always followed the question that I asked myself after waking up from the dreams of my foolish heart. At night, in sleep, I would dream about him and the way things could be if only life were different. We could be and do amazing things together. Every night I dreamt and every day I asked.


The words I held back from this daily conversation were the ones that hurt the most. They, were the truth. They were the words that told me what lay behind the NO. And everytime I held them back, the cracks in my heart were made a little bit deeper. Now the question that I ask myself is not why, but how. How can I keep my heart from breaking completely?


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Jayden Nicole (joined about 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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The conversation lasted two words:
Prompt suggested by bespectakate


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