Leaving was the easiest decision to make, and the hardest action to take. The look in her eyes the stare. The stare told me to stay, but I must leave and find myself. The bags had been pack for near a week now and the train comes in the hour, but I can't just go. Her stare those eyes right to the soul "don't go" they exclaim.
I move to the door she embraces me and doesn't let go. I being to doubt myself this choice to go so easily thought up. "Stay" she mutter under the fall of tears. I never thought she'd care. I try to explain, but I can't smooth it with lies or sweet talk. I break the embrace only to have her cling to my bag. She Yells "STAY! You belong here with me!" I turn to the door the bag free she yells something that changes everything I turn tears fill my eyes.

Years have past now and don't talk about that night much any more. I have found myself and he was hidden in our daughter.


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b23cml (joined almost 14 years ago)

Student. Dreamer. I am on the twitter


Photography and Drawing are just a few of my other creative hobbies.

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Leaving was the easiest decision to make, and the hardest action to take.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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