She was lost in a land, not exactly a physical one. She was surrounded by things that made her happy. She was floating endlessly in a world that was completely hers, and she loved it here.
Was she alone? How could she not be. Yet the silence was filled with voiced and faces. You see she could be whoever she wanted, do whatever she wanted and love whoever she wanted. As she lay there asleep but awake in this marvelous world she spotted her, in the distance. Her long brown hair not easily missed, she lay there too just waiting. They both just waiting in this endless time, looking at each other and waiting. She smiled, they smiled. She reached out for her, expecting her to reach back. But something was pulling her back, she was loosing her grasp on this world, she could no longer back out shapes and the long brown hair turned into a spot in the distance.
She floated away into darkness, not knowing what was pulling her away. In this moment all she wanted was for the girl with the long brunette hair to reach back and rescue her from this monstrous force that is dragging her away from her world, her wonderland.


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SierraHazelPeterson (joined almost 12 years ago)

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