The wolf had finally lost her, but she had lost the basket of goodies for her grandmother, and the old woman only had until sunset before she would pass away.

Red got up and dashed through the shining, wet streets, knocking into people without pardoning herself all the way, desperate to get her hands on something, anything, that she could bring to her grandmother.

Then she saw it: Me Hing Shao Pun: the Wolf's Garden, a restaurant that had opened up in the house her grandmother had been born in. The wood frame exterior was dark, a rusted loudspeaker warbled out recorded wolf howls to the crowded streets, and a wolf pelt was nailed to the front door.

Red smiled.

Fifteen minutes later, Red and her grandmother sat down to a delicious meal of wolf rangoon.


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Mister_Devious (joined over 14 years ago)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


Once, in Beijing, a young girl in a red gown huddled in a doorway.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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