"Mary?" a middle aged, crows footed woman queried as she stepped over the threshold.

"Mistress…" the young maid gestured her in, both blushing. Somewhat flustered the farmer's wife surveyed the room.

"Tom!" she blushed on blushes. Something the old woman had not thought possible. Interest upon Interest. Clearly no Pythagorean shape would ever do this web justice.

"I haven't said naught, Po… I mean, Mistress." the plough boy blurted. He was good at blurting, the witch noticed. It was good he had found what he was good at, at such a young age.

"Meg, I need your help again…" the good wife tried to regain her composure.

"Ev'n Pog. I see you 'know' Tom… and Mary." the crone tartly summarised. "Make way for our other guest would you?"

DoctorMikeReddy (joined almost 14 years ago)
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I do all sorts of things. Mostly badly. Mostly better than others. I tell stories. Occasionally, I lie.

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Blank Prompt

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