I am breathless. My heart is in my stomach and pounding around like an indoor hockey match. Staring deep into the eye of my accuser I beg: "mercy!"

The clock ticks furiously past the minutes. One, two, suddenly five have passed and I am sure to pass out from the sheer weight of the moment.

Does Miranda find true love in those five minutes?

Oh curse you fickle fate, you demon of home electronics and urban sitcom.

My bladder yearns at attention but suppress its screams I must; the DVR needs repairing. The show must go on.

In streams and, oh, trickles, warm, brackish, running down the legs.

Sex and the City.


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El Wordy Baron (joined over 15 years ago)

We, Byron; A Lord = ?

1 favorites

Story information


Creative Commons Attribution 3.0


Sex and the City Microfiction TiVo


Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Girl
villain Broken TiVo
goal Potty break
Prompt suggested by Galen


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