He didn't think he was much of a cat person until he met Matilda. But DAMN could she cook. Now most people wouldn't eat a cat, but he was hungry. Starving actually. And he could eat about anything after hunting zombies. Cats couldn't turn into zombies for some weird biological reason. They were about all that were left. Them and rats, but who wants to eat a rat. Not Zeke the zombie killer.
Matilda was just happy to have some company. Company that wasn't trying to eat her.
They had stewwed kittens tonight. It was a special night. Zeke had to kill his mean uncle who had become a zombie. Uncle Phil was his name and he was dressed up like a clown when he got sliced and diced.
Zeke hated clowns, and loved cats.

A very conflicting evening for Zeke the zombie killer.


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craig over 14 years ago

awesome again craig
keep up the zombie killin'

ahm over 14 years ago

ahhh now i understand

craig (joined over 14 years ago)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


He didn't think he was much of a cat person until he met Matilda.
Prompt suggested by DazedPuckBunny


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