just trivia, repeated over and over: those same words
same facts, same figures
traced by countless lips, countless tongues saying,
"did you know?"
and i did not know
did not know
this or that
i did not know you when it mattered most
but that it is trivia now
in the bright, burning
light of all that has happened
in the light
of you
of this trivia, this fact, this figure i will tell you now
this thing you will not hear, and not know, not now
(how i wish i could hear you say, "what?" in answer to my "did you know?"--
but now is not the time for regrets, except those
softly uttered, like prayers in the midst of velvet night):
i love one person and that person is you.


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Gossamer Waters (joined over 10 years ago)
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Writing and reading and dreaming and filling up the big wide world with wonder.

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