I love tests. I really do. Everyone just sits there staring at the paper - don't be in advanced calc if you can't handle it. The arcs, the plots, 3d graphs, cycloids, functions of the imaginary and trajectory's of murders - it's all beautiful. Each is a beautiful fractal within itself - a new function for a curve to follow.

Lets check out the next question.

"So what did Falkner mean by the word carrage?"

Crap - no more speed before English class.

Here it is - the teacher glaring at me. The sweat dripping off me as if I was wrought with the plauge. I bring her my paper. She sighs and says "Again?, you better make up for it tonight..."

I love sleeping with the teacher.


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Galen over 15 years ago

Hah. Nice twist.

Mfund over 15 years ago

fyi I spelled preformance wrong on purpose...

Mfund over 15 years ago

actually I did spell it wrong - again. It was supposed to be prefromance.

Mfund (joined over 15 years ago)

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Story information


Creative Commons Attribution 3.0


Test Teacher Math English Drugs


Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Student
villain Teacher
goal Complete test
Prompt suggested by freethinker


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