I look at the glistening gold clock hung onto the station wall. Time is ticking. So slowly I feel that time has frozen. I glance around me, people struggling to pull their trolley due to their 10 suitcases on them. Families excited to go somewhere different. I wonder where all these people are going. Is it to the grand canyon? Is it to the Middle East? Who knows. I look up and see my travel guide. All I have taken with me. We don't need the 10 suitcases or the travel itineraries. We don't need the unneeded stress of expired visas. All we need is travel security and each other. The best way to travel we believe is with each other, taking nothing and worrying about nothing.


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nicola123 (joined over 7 years ago)

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Travel light, but take everything with you.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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