Marie wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. Breathing heavily, she glanced impatiently at the bland, hospital door; its paint peeling around the edges; the hinges rusted. She knew that her sister was not in the hands of the most experienced doctors in town, but it was the closest hospital to home. Unsure of what to do with her hands, she interlaced her fingers, scrutinising the short, stumpy nails; a result of her anxious gnawing. Marie's mind wandered, as far as it could from the looming thought of her sister's fate. But within seconds, her thoughts were pulled right back around to the vivid memory of Chloe's blue face, open mouth, gasping for oxygen of which she was thoroughly deprived. A doctor approached her, carrying a clipboard, tapping his pen. The results were in.


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rosieee (joined over 7 years ago)

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