Hi, My name is Bob and i like small cars. People tell me it's a tractor but i know that its just a small car and you ARE NOT CHANGING MY MIND. TRY ME. judge me all you want but just know that i'm better than you in every aspect of life. All you millenials are confusing and you make life much harder for yourselves with your phone mobiles and boyfriends at such young ages. See living a simple life like me is so nice and uh, refreshing if I do say so myself. I just randomly stroll the streets at night with my small car and give children candy. Apparently that's illegal?!? Ah, millennials. Plastic surgery, gossip and media social. How do you keep up? Good luck, you guys are gonna be blown up by Kim Jong Un anyways but i'll be dead so HAH. My appearance is very spectacular. My goggles, hat and jumper is just too amazing for you. Just thought i'd give my opinion on you guys,enjoy life while you can and build a wall cause then the likeliness of being blown up is decreased. Cheerio!


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Jaysmine (joined over 6 years ago)

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