I'm awake but my eyes are stuck closed. What times is it? 7:30, am I reading this right? I should't be surprised, I haven't been able to sleep past 8am since I turned 30. Suck.

It's a Tuesday, my Monday.

Two clients: one with big expectations and another with big confusions.
Trying to launch my first iPhone App as a side project.
Need to get back to working on my own startup company.
The ocean pulls me to surf, the rocks pull me to climb.

But today is a "work" day, which essentially means that it will be lumped into the common and uninteresting section of my memories.

So I delay things by checking Twitter, maybe I'll find something stimulating there. Hundreds of bits of crap. Why do I follow people that I don't even like? Then there's this one nugget from Berkun:

Six minute story - how much, and how well, can you write in 360 seconds? http://sixminutestory.com/



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ryangrimm (joined over 13 years ago)
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


first introduction forces morning procrastination


Once, in Beijing, a young girl in a red gown huddled in a doorway.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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