While Bach and Bethoven echoed in my ears, I slowly, stared at the monarch butterflies soaring in the fresh, thin air that surrounded me. I bit my lip, and then grabbed at them, but an unsuccessful attempt. I laughed and laughed. I doubled over, when I saw a man in a kyak capsize, and fall deep into the depths of the water. It felt calm and natural, sitting here, looking at the trees, the water and the sunset. A white butterfly, out lined with black-blue colors, flew in, beautifully flapping it's wings, and landed on my shoulder. I glanced at it, but I didn't want it to fly away, so I looked away and hummed along with the music. I heard the footsteps of a person walk by. She sat down next to me, and hummed along with me. I looked over and quickly smiled. She poked my shoulder, aiming for the butterfly, and it flew away. I scowled while looking away, but saw it fly away towards the horizon. I smiled at it, at nature, at life.


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steve (joined over 14 years ago)

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