The lamp wouldn't turn on. This was no surprise considering the power was out all over the city; still, Harold tried anyway, just out of habit. Upon defeat, he turned around and headed down the hall to the kitchen, where the Drawer of Random Stuff resided.

He reached in and grabbed the flashlight, but knew this was futile since buying batteries for it was something on his perpetually procrastinated to-do list, so he did what countless others do when they grab a flashlight that is more than likely dead--he flicked the switch and shook the electric torch furiously, just hoping beyond hope that at least a tiny bit of juice was left in the corroded batteries that rattled inside the red, plastic shaft.

Harold thought to himself, "Gotta remember to add 'buying batteries' to my to-do list," then tossed the flashlight back into the junk drawer, and upon sliding the drawer shut, promptly forgot to remember.


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SarahC over 14 years ago

Great short story! I feel like this guy half the time.

theshooz76 (joined over 14 years ago)
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