It was finally here! All those weeks of waiting after sending in the self-addressed stamped envelope to the address on the back of his Superman comic book had finally paid off. Sure, he spent most of the money he earned on the paper route, but it was worth it.

Jack's hypno-goggles had arrived. He grabbed the package from the mailbox and dashed inside, ripping the packaging apart along the way.

What was this? They were just glasses that had a swirly design on them like the kind you could get from a cereal box. They would never work. He put them on anyway and sulked to the kitchen where his mom was sitting.

"Where'd you get those?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Well what do they do?"

"Nothing, mom, they're just stupid glasses."

"But they have those spiraling lines on them! They must do something!"

"Mom, stop bothering me, they don't do anything."

Giving up, she turned around and went back to work on her dinner. "Mom, are you going to ignore me? Mom?!"


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Galen over 14 years ago

I laughed at the last line. So realistic :D His behavior distinctly reminds me of Calvin's (ala Calvin and Hobbes) when Calvin gets his beanie hat.

Tankosaurus (joined over 14 years ago)
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