It was the fall that surprised me the most.

The winter, she was fine. Spring, slowly getting sick, Summer, even sicker.

In fall, she fully recovered from stage 3 liver cancer. There was someone to thank. God or someone.

It could have been the praying, or just hoping we didn't lose her. She was only 7. 7-year-olds aren't supposed to just die from liver cancer. Ella's better now, though. It's easy to believe in something when a dying child makes a full recovery from something so evil as that.

So God, or someone, thank you. It was God or someone that I hated at first that this little brown-haired girl lost all of her hair from medicine and cancer that made her sick, made her eyes sullen, and her skin pale. It was God or someone that I thought of at night when I watched the heart monitor every second she slept. But God or someone kept her alive, kept her fighting so little Ella could be there on her 8th birthday.


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DazedPuckBunny over 14 years ago

I really like how you took fall from literal fall and turned it into the season. Is this based on experience? Cancer is such a terrifying thing but every now and then we get those remission miracles. Good job.

NYgirlLovesCA over 14 years ago

Thank you; no I don't have experience in my family. This story in particular just came to me - the 'fall' I thought of being autumn, never falling down. With this story, 'God or someone' helped people believe in recovery...which I think would be totally necessary to have in this situation.

NYgirlLovesCA (joined over 14 years ago)
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cancer God


It was the fall that surprised me most.
Prompt suggested by davidjmcgee


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