It was the fall that surprised me most. One minute you're standing and the next you're plummeting towards the earth. Time seemed to slow. I counted the stories of the building as I whizzed by them. Twenty, twenty one, twenty two. My last thoughts probably shouldn't be counting.

I thought my life was supposed to flash in front of me. I closed my eyes for a moment but nothing popped into my head at all. In fact, I was slightly irritated that I had stopped counting. I was probably about forty floors up. I should have paid more attention in the elevator.

Should I have left a note? It would seem very strange to my loved ones that at the high point of my career, my life, I would choose to throw myself off a building. I'm a little surprised by that decision but my mother always said that once I made a decision, I stuck by it. I guess suicide could be added to that list of decisions.

It's not like I woke up this morning thinking, 'Wouldn't it be fun to plummet to my death?' I had started the morning with a cup of coffee while scanning my blackberry for my schedule. It had seemed like a fairly normal day from the outset.

I really should have left a note. I glanced back up from where I started my plunge. It was too late now. Surely someone would look at my e-mails. They would see the reason. It was too late to worry about that now. It's not like I could turn around and write a note anyway.

My sister would take the dog. Poor Diesel, without his mommy. I feel slightly bad about that. He was a good boy. Well, this is certainly taking awhile. Am I-


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SarahC (joined over 14 years ago)

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It was the fall that surprised me most.
Prompt suggested by davidjmcgee


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