Prison is for mossy bricks, reinforced iron bars, decrepid toilets and savage guards beating on the door every morning. How can it be anything else?

And yet, within the confines of this framework, there is a nook as tangible as any cell; the walls are closing in on me, invisible monsters lurking in the dark, only — these are worse than any monster imaginable, for they do not breathe, do not reason. You can't reason with walls.

The post seemed like a good idea at the time, for who doesn't dream of directing such a large, historic enterprise if given the option? It was just a fun, temporary recreational activity. Rolling dice. Playing cards.

First, they grab your hand. Then, they start shoving you. Point your eyes towards the horizon. Before you know it, you're lifting a sabre in a heroically threatening pose as they pour bronze over your warm body.

To be a body in an abstract, intertwined framework is the most frightening thing of all. Power as a concept is often spoken of in fear, but the true reason is one that only those in power know.


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Galen over 14 years ago

This is a fantastic meditation. Brilliant thoughts.

archagon (joined over 14 years ago)

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It was the fall that surprised me most.
Prompt suggested by davidjmcgee


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